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Next show: 26th & 27th September 2025

The PA & H SOCIETY aims to promote and protect the pastoral, agricultural, horticultural and industrial resources of Australia.

A big bull's head
A man with animpressive moustache holding an impressive rooster next to a woman holding a large hen

Kyogle Show, run by the PA & H SOCIETY aims to promote and protect the pastoral, agricultural, horticultural and industrial resources of Australia.

Welcome to the Kyogle PA & H Society website – home of the Kyogle Show! 

It hasn’t been an easy few years for those in our region, and we look forward to coming together as a community to celebrate our resilience. The Kyogle Show is 116 years old this year, and we hope we can all continue to enjoy this event for many more to come.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday 26th & Saturday 27th of September, 2025. Please Contact us if you would like to get involved on the day, or as a much valued member of our Show Society.

Click to watch

Highlights from 2023

Highlights from 2022

An old photo of a man on his horse in front of a herd of cattle

Kyogle Show is an integral part of our local community and we continue to uphold it's history and work towards the future of the show movement.

Since 1909, when the first Kyogle Show was held, the surrounding Kyogle agricultural community has had the opportunity each year to put on display its quality stock and produce for the community to see.

Agricultural shows have evolved a great deal over the past years, but what hasn’t changed is that they are and will always be an integral part of Australian culture.

Become involved

Kyogle Show meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month. Anyone is welcome to come and share their ideas.

You don’t need any experience, just a willingness to work with others, to help make our show a success.

There is no limit on age, we believe everyone has something to give and we can find a role for you.

Find out more >

For information about 2025 Committee Positions, click here >